DORSI-STRAP PRO Brown. Heavy-duty support for Foot Drop. Comfortable, natural walking in your own shoes, plus sports, working, etc. The smallest, lightest, most flexible, and most comfortable foot drop brace available. Full ankle mobility. Cool year-round. $42. Money-back warranty.

DORSI-STRAP PRO Brown. Heavy-duty support for Foot Drop. Comfortable, natural walking in your own shoes, plus sports, working, etc. The smallest, lightest, most flexible, and most comfortable foot drop brace available. Full ankle mobility. Cool year-round. . Money-back warranty. Reviews

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DORSI-STRAP PRO Brown. Heavy-duty support for Foot Drop. Comfortable, natural walking in your own shoes, plus sports, working, etc. The smallest, lightest, most flexible, and most comfortable foot drop brace available. Full ankle mobility. Cool year-round. . Money-back warranty. Feature

  • Heavy-duty support for active lifestyles: working, sports, working out. Barely noticeable in use.
  • Easily applied, adjusted, removed, transferred. Compatible with orthotic inserts, high-tops, boots
  • Outstanding full-time comfort. Near-normal gait and step-off. Great on stairs and for driving
  • Wear your regular shoes. No special shoes needed. Nothing placed into the shoe or under the foot.
  • Provides full ankle joint mobility. Promotes muscle development, not atrophy. Improves balance.
DORSI-STRA PRO. Brown. Heavy-duty foot drop support. >>Walk, hike, jog, golf, work?whatever! It lets you do the things you want to do. >>Recommended over the standard Dorsi-Strap for activities more vigorous than walking, and for individuals weighing more than 195 pounds, and for those with a shoe size of 11 1/2, or larger. It works with athletic, recreational, and work shoes, and with lace-up boots, and with street shoes. The DORSI-STRAP PRO also works with most sandals and shoes that do not have lace holes. >>Available in white, black or brown to match shoe colors. >>30-days money-back warranty. >>OTHER FEATURES AND BENEFITS: >>Comfortable and barely noticeable while in use. >>Ultra low profile. >>Weighs only 3 ounces. >>Fully adjustable support levels. >>All flexible components. >>Latex-free. >>Breathable fabric stays cool and dry year-round.>>Manageable with one hand by most people. >>Fits adults and children. No fitting required. >>No impressions, no customization, no waiting. >>Low price, durable and washable. >>100% water-safe. >>No prescription required. >>Additional/replacement straps and cuffs available. CAN YOU USE EXTRA PRO STRAPS? The straps that come with your DORSI-STRAP PRO are laced into your shoe's lace holes. It's quick and easy for most people to do. Many users, however, prefer not to move the straps from one shoe to another when changing shoes. Individuals that have difficulty lacing the straps into their shoes frequently place straps in each pair of shoes that they use regularly. Additional straps (white, black or brown) enable you to use the same cuff with more than one set of straps. This is convenient, and saves money over buying additional complete DORSI-STRAPs. >>Additional cuffs (white, black or tan) are also available. >>THE DORSI-STRAP PRO IS SOLD SINGLY (treating one foot), NOT IN PAIRS. If you need support on both feet, please order two. >>U.S. Patent No. 7458950. >>Made in U.S.A.

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Jan 07, 2011 05:27:05


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